- Net height: 8’
- A team shall be composed of 6 players.
- SUBSTITUTIONS can only occur in the serving position. Once a player enters the game the player must go through the entire rotation before exiting the game.
- An unlimited number of substitutions are permitted.
- A ball hit into the net, other than a serve, may be recovered provided a player does not make contact with the net or cross the centerline.
- A player may not play the ball in succession, unless played once by another player. Exception: One player can make contact with the ball twice if initial contact is a block or simultaneous hit with another player.
- A team must return the ball across the net within three or fewer contacts. A block does not count as a contact.
- If a player is hit by the ball or touches the ball, it is considered legal contact and to have been played. Legal contact is a touch of the ball by a player’s body, which does not allow the ball to visibly come to rest or involve prolonged contact with a player’s body.
- Any ball that makes contact with the backboards or ceiling/light fixtures will be considered out of play EXCEPT when the ball hits the ceiling and remains on your own team’s side.
- Timeouts: 1, 30-second timeout per set
- A 5-minute grace period will be in effect for the 1st game of the night only. Once a team has 4 players they are required to start.
- Every player that registers for the league and is on a roster has to be given the opportunity to play within the first 2 sets.
- Rock, Paper, Scissors shall determine the team that serves the first and third game. The opposing team will receive the serve in the 2nd game.
- The first server of the game is the player in the right back position. Thereafter, when a team is awarded a side‐out, the player in the right front position rotates to the serving area. For example, the first server of the game for Team A will be their right back positioned player. After a side‐out, Team B will rotate before serving. Team B’s first server will be the player that started the game in the right front position.
- Each member of the team shall serve in turn and may have one chance to hit the ball over the net on the serve.
- A re‐serve shall be called when the player releases the ball for service and then lets the ball drop to the floor (the ball may be caught by the player). The official will cancel the serve and direct a second and final attempt at serve. Only one re‐serve is permitted per player per turn in rotation at service.
- The ball may be served underhand, overhand or sidearm and may be hit in any manner by the hand. The receiving team may not block or spike a served ball.
- Any serve that hits the net and continues into the receiving team’s court shall be ruled a good serve.
- Before the serve, all members of both teams must be in their respective positions on the court. After the ball is served, players may move out of any position, except a back row player may not attack or block from in front of the 10’ line.
If a team commits a foul, the opposite team will be awarded a side‐out and one point. The following are fouls or violations:
- Serving illegally or out of turn.
- Touching the net or reaching under the net to interfere with an opponent playing the ball.
- ¾ Stepping over the centerline into the opponent’s court. A player may step on the line, but not completely over.
- Spiking or blocking the ball in front of the 10’ line when playing in a back row position.
- Contacting the ball twice in succession unless the first contact is a block or a simultaneous hit with another player.
- Catching or holding the ball while playing it.
- Contacting the ball in an underhand motion with an open hand or hands (slapping/scooping/lifting).
- Failure to return the ball over the net in 3 or fewer contacts.
- A player that blocks or interferes with the intended set of the opposing team.
- Rally scoring will be employed during all matches.
- The team that scores 25 points with a two-point advantage wins a game.
- All teams will play three games per match regardless of the outcome of the first two matches. The 3rd game of any match may be shortened to 15 or 21 points if time is running out. All matches must end no later than 55 minutes after the start of the match. In the event of a tie game at the 55‐minute mark, play will continue and the next point will win the game (2‐point advantage is not necessary in this situation). If a team wins the match 2-0, the 3rd game will still be played. Though one team has already been declared the winner of the match, the winner of the 3rd game could determine a tie breaker at the end of the season.