Alex Galistel (he/him)
Nashville Operations Director
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Minimum Players Needed: 5 players per team (4 minimum)
League Registration: $30 online through the purple link above
- Reserves your spot in the league
- Includes your team shirt
- Covers your first week of games!
Weekly Player Entry: $16 at the door
- Includes 2 games per week
-Includes Shoe Rental
- Credit/Debit Cards accepted at the door
Free Agents
If you do not have a team you can register as a free agent! Free agents will be assigned to a team before the season starts. Register through the purple link above
Substitute Player Registration: $16 at the door
*Please register for the league through the link provided at the door before playing*
-Includes 2 games per week
-Includes Shoe Rental
- Credit/Debit Cards accepted at the door
- Up to 5 players per team bowl each game
- Subs are allowed if you need to find a replacement one week
- Subs will just need to pay the $16 at the door like everyone else
- Handicaps will be established throughout the season
- Scores and standings will be calculated each week
- Substitutes are allowed if a teammate needs to miss a week
- Substitutes must register through the website before playing, but pay at the door.